In the very first chapter of Ingo, Sapphire shares the ancient legend of the Zennor Mermaid. If you aren't familiar with the tale, click here. Basically, a mermaid sings by the coast and lures a man beneath the waves. Never to be seen again. Not only am I excited to visit the town of Zennor itself, but there is also a carving of the mermaid inside Senara Church (pictured right), where they say the man used to sing in the choir. I cannot wait to see it in person!
I also hope that during my stay in England, Liz Kessler will have an event or book signing. She's only been over to the States once and I lived too far from the East coast to attend. I'll be bringing along my copy of Emily Windsnap and Ingo just in case!
If you know of any other mermaid related things to see or do in the area, please let me know! I've started a blog just for my study abroad escapades over at Follow along if you'd like!
-The Mermaid Guru